Breaking Your Google Brain: Why We Need to Rethink How We Search
Lacey Miller
Jan 3, 2025
The post discusses the evolving landscape of online search, highlighting the shift from short keyword searches on Google to longer, more conversational queries on AI-powered platforms like Perigon. This transition necessitates a change in how users formulate search requests and how content creators optimize their material. The article emphasizes the importance of clearer communication with AI, akin to speaking a foreign language, and introduces AI Visibility Optimization (AIVO) as a new approach to online content optimization. Ultimately, the text argues that adapting to this conversational search style leads to more precise results and a more fulfilling interaction between humans and AI. The shift is presented as an upgrade from simple keyword matching to a more sophisticated, rewarding search experience.
The post discusses the evolving landscape of online search, highlighting the shift from short keyword searches on Google to longer, more conversational queries on AI-powered platforms like Perigon. This transition necessitates a change in how users formulate search requests and how content creators optimize their material. The article emphasizes the importance of clearer communication with AI, akin to speaking a foreign language, and introduces AI Visibility Optimization (AIVO) as a new approach to online content optimization. Ultimately, the text argues that adapting to this conversational search style leads to more precise results and a more fulfilling interaction between humans and AI. The shift is presented as an upgrade from simple keyword matching to a more sophisticated, rewarding search experience.
The post discusses the evolving landscape of online search, highlighting the shift from short keyword searches on Google to longer, more conversational queries on AI-powered platforms like Perigon. This transition necessitates a change in how users formulate search requests and how content creators optimize their material. The article emphasizes the importance of clearer communication with AI, akin to speaking a foreign language, and introduces AI Visibility Optimization (AIVO) as a new approach to online content optimization. Ultimately, the text argues that adapting to this conversational search style leads to more precise results and a more fulfilling interaction between humans and AI. The shift is presented as an upgrade from simple keyword matching to a more sophisticated, rewarding search experience.
How might the shift from keyword searches to natural language queries affect content creation strategies beyond just search optimization?
How might the shift from keyword searches to natural language queries affect content creation strategies beyond just search optimization?
How might the shift from keyword searches to natural language queries affect content creation strategies beyond just search optimization?
In what ways does the return to boolean-style thinking in AI search represent an evolution rather than a regression in search behavior?
In what ways does the return to boolean-style thinking in AI search represent an evolution rather than a regression in search behavior?
In what ways does the return to boolean-style thinking in AI search represent an evolution rather than a regression in search behavior?
What are the potential implications for businesses that don't adapt their content strategy from traditional SEO to AIVO, particularly as AI search platforms become more sophisticated?
What are the potential implications for businesses that don't adapt their content strategy from traditional SEO to AIVO, particularly as AI search platforms become more sophisticated?
What are the potential implications for businesses that don't adapt their content strategy from traditional SEO to AIVO, particularly as AI search platforms become more sophisticated?
Craig: Ever get that feeling? That feeling where you hit a wall online?
Aimee: Oh, yeah.
Craig: When you're just like, I cannot find what I'm looking for. Stuck in a loop of the same search results. Well, good news folks…the way we search is about to change.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Dramatically…the search message that we've been using for years. They're just getting old.
Aimee: They are.
Craig: And it's kind of like, imagine trying to talk to a supercomputer using cave drawings.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: That's kind of what we've been doing.
Aimee: Yeah. It is
Craig: Typing in a few little keywords.
Aimee: You got it.
Craig: And so you're not the only one talking about this whole search evolution.
Aimee: Oh, no.
Craig: You sent in an article that really dives deep into this.
Aimee: I did.
Craig: And it is chockfull of fascinating insights.
Aimee: And!
Craig: Really good stuff. And this article is really arguing that we're being limited by this reliance on keywords.
Aimee: We are…
Craig: In the age of AI and we're missing out on a ton of information because we're not speaking the right language.
Aimee: Yes, exactly.
Craig: So it's like trying to order a fancy coffee at a coffee shop using grunts and points, and then you're surprised when you get the wrong order.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: So how do we fix this? How do we speak AI?
Aimee: The article suggests, believe it or not, we need to start typing more.
Craig: That seems counterintuitive.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Wasn't the whole beauty of Google that it was so quick.
Aimee: Yeah, you could just put in a couple words. But the thing is, these AI powered search engines are capable of so much more now. They understand the context, the intent, even the nuances of language that we use when we just put in a couple of words, we're not giving it enough to work with…
Craig: That makes sense. And this reminds me of something in the article that said people are typing on average 10 more words per search when they're using these AI search platforms.
Aimee: It's changing how we search.
Craig: So it's not even just about typing more.
Aimee: No…
Craig: It's about expressing yourself more clearly. So instead of typing best productivity app, I would say I'm feeling overwhelmed with tasks. What are some highly rated productivity apps that can help me prioritize and stay organized.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Much more effective.
Craig: Got it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: It's like talking to a knowledgeable friend instead of barking orders at a robot.
Aimee: You got it. That's a good way to put it.
Craig: And the article uses this great analogy. It says it's like asking for directions in a foreign country.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: You're going to have a way better time if you can speak in full sentences and really explain what you're looking for rather than just shouting out random landmarks.
Aimee: You’re not going to get very far doing that.
Craig: Yeah. Okay. So that is a perfect comparison. And this conversational search impacts how we create content.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: And this is where AIVO comes in.
Aimee: AI visibility optimization.
Craig: Yes.
Aimee: That's the new thing.
Craig: It's not just about sprinkling in a few keywords into your blog post anymore.
Aimee: Not at all.
Craig: This is all about…
Aimee: It's about optimizing for those conversations with the AI…
Craig: So I need to think a helpful human being who's having a conversation more than a robot.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Who's just trying to…
Aimee: Stuff in keywords.
Craig: Stuff in keywords. Exactly.
Aimee: Yeah. Provide value, answer questions, make it a good experience for the user, both human and AI.
Craig: So it's almost like AI is forcing us to be more thoughtful in how we communicate both in our searches and in the content we create.
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: So it's really, it is forcing us to become more articulate and it's making us understand what we really want.
Aimee: That's a good point.
Craig: And that goes back to that stat about the longer search queries.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Maybe it's not just about typing more, but it's about thinking more deeply about what we're actually asking…and how we're saying it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: So this is really making me rethink how I approach searching. It's not just about finding the quickest answer anymore, it's about engaging in this thoughtful and nuanced dialogue. So we've gone from grunting cavemen to eloquent conversationalists.
Aimee: Ha. We have…
Craig: …in the search world
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we master speaking AI?
Aimee: How do we put this into practice?
Craig: Let's find out in part two.
Aimee: Sounds good.
Craig: All right. So we've established AI search. It's all about conversations.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: Not caveman grunts.
Aimee: We've moved past that.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we ditch our keyword habits and unlock the power of AI
Aimee: Well, I think it starts with a mindset shift. Instead of thinking in keywords, we need to think in questions. So imagine you're sitting down with an expert in whatever field you're curious about. What would you ask them?
Craig: I like that it takes the pressure off of trying to come up with that perfect keyword. And instead it's more about a learning opportunity.
Aimee: So when you're formulating your questions, be specific, provide context. The more info you give the AI, the better it can understand what you want.
Craig: Okay. So let's say I'm interested in the impact of AI on the music industry. Instead of searching AI music, I might ask, how is artificial intelligence changing the way music is produced and consumed?
Aimee: That's a great question. I mean, that is light years ahead of just a simple keyword search.
Craig: Okay, cool.
Aimee: You're giving it that scope. You're going to get much more relevant results.
Craig: That makes a lot of sense. But about the Boolean operators?
Aimee: Oh yeah.
Craig: Do I need to become a logic whiz to use this effectively?
Aimee: No, not at all.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: AI has evolved to the point where it can understand those concepts even when we're speaking naturally.
Craig: Okay. So, going back to the music example, if I wanted to exclude stuff about AI-generated music, I could just say, "Show me how AI is impacting the music industry, but focus on human musicians and their creative process.”
Aimee: Exactly. You're telling the AI exactly what you want.
Craig: So it's like having a personal research assistant.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Okay. This is starting to click for me.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: But what about content creators? How can they make sure their work is optimized for this new world?
Aimee: That is where AIVO comes into play.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Remember traditional SEO all about keywords, back links. Now we're talking about AIVO creating content that's structured for conversations, not just algorithms.
Craig: So it's not just about stuffing keywords into my blog post.
Aimee: No, no, no. I can see right through that.
Craig: Okay. So what are some tips?
Aimee: Well, first and foremost, structure is key. Use clear headings, subheadings, bullet points…
Craig: Like I'm back in school…
Aimee: It 's like outlining and organizing your thoughts. AI appreciates a well-organized mind. Just like your teachers did back in the day.
Craig: Okay. And I'm also guessing, anticipating questions is important.
Aimee: Absolutely. Think about the questions that your audience might have address them head on.
Craig: This is making me rethink my entire approach to content creation.
Aimee: It's not just about writing anymore. It's about thinking strategically and anticipating structuring information in an accessible way. And here's another AIVO pro tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with different formats. Text is great, but AI loves audio videos and infographics.
Craig: So it's like creating this multisensory experience for the AI.
Aimee: Exactly. The richer your content, the more it's going to stand out.
Craig: This is really helpful.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: It seems like AIVO is not just a trend.
Aimee: It's not.
Craig: It's a fundamental shift.
Aimee: I think so…
Craig: In how we think about creating content in the age of AI…
Aimee: It's about embracing that conversational nature of search. Creating something that's informative and engaging…
Craig:.For both…
Aimee: And machines.
Craig: That's right.
Aimee: So whether we're crafting queries or creating content, we need to think an AI, we need to anticipate how it's going to process and interpret that information. And I think that's a good spot to leave off.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: We're entering this new era.
Craig: We are…
Aimee: Of human AI collaboration.
Craig: It's exciting.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language.
Craig: We are.
Aimee: Okay. So stay tuned for the final part of our deep dive where we'll unpack the future of search and what it means for all of us. We've spent this deep dive exploring AI search.
Craig: It's been a journey…
Aimee: From conversational queries to AIVO…it really is changing how we find information.
Craig: It really is. But as with any powerful tool, it's important to think about what the future holds. Like the potential, but also the challenges.
Aimee: Totally. With any new technology.
Craig: Exactly. So where do we even begin?
Aimee: Well, I think one of the most fascinating trends is personalized search.
Craig: Okay. So what do you mean by that?
Aimee: So as AI gets to know us, our preferences, the search results will be tailored to what we need and what we're interested in.
Craig: Okay. So that sounds amazing and a little creepy.
Aimee: I know, right? Just like the AI is reading your mind, but it has the potential to be really efficient. Okay. Imagine getting instant answers to your questions. Recommendations that are perfect for you. Information that's just for you.
Craig: That sounds like a dream.
Aimee: I know, right?
Craig: For anyone who's ever felt overwhelmed by all the information online…
Aimee: There's so much.
Craig: There is so much.
Aimee: But there's also a potential downside.
Craig: Okay. What's that?
Aimee: What if we end up in filter bubbles or echo chambers?
Craig: So we only see information that we already agree with. Okay. So then how do we balance personalization with diversity of thought?
Aimee: Well, that's where we have to take charge. We have to be aware of these filter bubble and seek out other sources…
Craig: Different sources…
Aimee: And be open to things that we don't agree with.
Craig: So it's not enough to rely on AI to tell us what we should know.
Aimee: Exactly. We have to be curious and explore.
Craig: We can't be afraid to be uncomfortable. And this is all going to require new skills and strategies to navigate this world. So what can we do today to prepare for that?
Aimee: I would say embrace curiosity. Engage with the different platforms. Experiment. The more you do it,
Craig: The more comfortable you'll be.
Aimee: And this is all about approaching AI search as an adventure.
Craig: It is an adventure…
Aimee: Not just a destination.
Craig: Exactly.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language. This has been an incredible deep dive.
Craig: I've enjoyed it.
Aimee: I have too. We went from grunting caveman to AI conversations, keyword stuffing to AIVO.
Craig: It's been quite the journey.
Aimee: And I really hope our listeners feel energized.
Craig: I hope so too.
Aimee: And I’m excited about this future.
Craig: It's an exciting time.
Aimee: Remember, curiosity is your compass. Clear communication is the key. The world of knowledge is yours to explore.
Craig: Go forth and dive deep.
Aimee: Go forth and dive deep.
Craig: Ever get that feeling? That feeling where you hit a wall online?
Aimee: Oh, yeah.
Craig: When you're just like, I cannot find what I'm looking for. Stuck in a loop of the same search results. Well, good news folks…the way we search is about to change.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Dramatically…the search message that we've been using for years. They're just getting old.
Aimee: They are.
Craig: And it's kind of like, imagine trying to talk to a supercomputer using cave drawings.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: That's kind of what we've been doing.
Aimee: Yeah. It is
Craig: Typing in a few little keywords.
Aimee: You got it.
Craig: And so you're not the only one talking about this whole search evolution.
Aimee: Oh, no.
Craig: You sent in an article that really dives deep into this.
Aimee: I did.
Craig: And it is chockfull of fascinating insights.
Aimee: And!
Craig: Really good stuff. And this article is really arguing that we're being limited by this reliance on keywords.
Aimee: We are…
Craig: In the age of AI and we're missing out on a ton of information because we're not speaking the right language.
Aimee: Yes, exactly.
Craig: So it's like trying to order a fancy coffee at a coffee shop using grunts and points, and then you're surprised when you get the wrong order.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: So how do we fix this? How do we speak AI?
Aimee: The article suggests, believe it or not, we need to start typing more.
Craig: That seems counterintuitive.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Wasn't the whole beauty of Google that it was so quick.
Aimee: Yeah, you could just put in a couple words. But the thing is, these AI powered search engines are capable of so much more now. They understand the context, the intent, even the nuances of language that we use when we just put in a couple of words, we're not giving it enough to work with…
Craig: That makes sense. And this reminds me of something in the article that said people are typing on average 10 more words per search when they're using these AI search platforms.
Aimee: It's changing how we search.
Craig: So it's not even just about typing more.
Aimee: No…
Craig: It's about expressing yourself more clearly. So instead of typing best productivity app, I would say I'm feeling overwhelmed with tasks. What are some highly rated productivity apps that can help me prioritize and stay organized.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Much more effective.
Craig: Got it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: It's like talking to a knowledgeable friend instead of barking orders at a robot.
Aimee: You got it. That's a good way to put it.
Craig: And the article uses this great analogy. It says it's like asking for directions in a foreign country.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: You're going to have a way better time if you can speak in full sentences and really explain what you're looking for rather than just shouting out random landmarks.
Aimee: You’re not going to get very far doing that.
Craig: Yeah. Okay. So that is a perfect comparison. And this conversational search impacts how we create content.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: And this is where AIVO comes in.
Aimee: AI visibility optimization.
Craig: Yes.
Aimee: That's the new thing.
Craig: It's not just about sprinkling in a few keywords into your blog post anymore.
Aimee: Not at all.
Craig: This is all about…
Aimee: It's about optimizing for those conversations with the AI…
Craig: So I need to think a helpful human being who's having a conversation more than a robot.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Who's just trying to…
Aimee: Stuff in keywords.
Craig: Stuff in keywords. Exactly.
Aimee: Yeah. Provide value, answer questions, make it a good experience for the user, both human and AI.
Craig: So it's almost like AI is forcing us to be more thoughtful in how we communicate both in our searches and in the content we create.
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: So it's really, it is forcing us to become more articulate and it's making us understand what we really want.
Aimee: That's a good point.
Craig: And that goes back to that stat about the longer search queries.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Maybe it's not just about typing more, but it's about thinking more deeply about what we're actually asking…and how we're saying it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: So this is really making me rethink how I approach searching. It's not just about finding the quickest answer anymore, it's about engaging in this thoughtful and nuanced dialogue. So we've gone from grunting cavemen to eloquent conversationalists.
Aimee: Ha. We have…
Craig: …in the search world
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we master speaking AI?
Aimee: How do we put this into practice?
Craig: Let's find out in part two.
Aimee: Sounds good.
Craig: All right. So we've established AI search. It's all about conversations.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: Not caveman grunts.
Aimee: We've moved past that.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we ditch our keyword habits and unlock the power of AI
Aimee: Well, I think it starts with a mindset shift. Instead of thinking in keywords, we need to think in questions. So imagine you're sitting down with an expert in whatever field you're curious about. What would you ask them?
Craig: I like that it takes the pressure off of trying to come up with that perfect keyword. And instead it's more about a learning opportunity.
Aimee: So when you're formulating your questions, be specific, provide context. The more info you give the AI, the better it can understand what you want.
Craig: Okay. So let's say I'm interested in the impact of AI on the music industry. Instead of searching AI music, I might ask, how is artificial intelligence changing the way music is produced and consumed?
Aimee: That's a great question. I mean, that is light years ahead of just a simple keyword search.
Craig: Okay, cool.
Aimee: You're giving it that scope. You're going to get much more relevant results.
Craig: That makes a lot of sense. But about the Boolean operators?
Aimee: Oh yeah.
Craig: Do I need to become a logic whiz to use this effectively?
Aimee: No, not at all.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: AI has evolved to the point where it can understand those concepts even when we're speaking naturally.
Craig: Okay. So, going back to the music example, if I wanted to exclude stuff about AI-generated music, I could just say, "Show me how AI is impacting the music industry, but focus on human musicians and their creative process.”
Aimee: Exactly. You're telling the AI exactly what you want.
Craig: So it's like having a personal research assistant.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Okay. This is starting to click for me.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: But what about content creators? How can they make sure their work is optimized for this new world?
Aimee: That is where AIVO comes into play.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Remember traditional SEO all about keywords, back links. Now we're talking about AIVO creating content that's structured for conversations, not just algorithms.
Craig: So it's not just about stuffing keywords into my blog post.
Aimee: No, no, no. I can see right through that.
Craig: Okay. So what are some tips?
Aimee: Well, first and foremost, structure is key. Use clear headings, subheadings, bullet points…
Craig: Like I'm back in school…
Aimee: It 's like outlining and organizing your thoughts. AI appreciates a well-organized mind. Just like your teachers did back in the day.
Craig: Okay. And I'm also guessing, anticipating questions is important.
Aimee: Absolutely. Think about the questions that your audience might have address them head on.
Craig: This is making me rethink my entire approach to content creation.
Aimee: It's not just about writing anymore. It's about thinking strategically and anticipating structuring information in an accessible way. And here's another AIVO pro tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with different formats. Text is great, but AI loves audio videos and infographics.
Craig: So it's like creating this multisensory experience for the AI.
Aimee: Exactly. The richer your content, the more it's going to stand out.
Craig: This is really helpful.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: It seems like AIVO is not just a trend.
Aimee: It's not.
Craig: It's a fundamental shift.
Aimee: I think so…
Craig: In how we think about creating content in the age of AI…
Aimee: It's about embracing that conversational nature of search. Creating something that's informative and engaging…
Craig:.For both…
Aimee: And machines.
Craig: That's right.
Aimee: So whether we're crafting queries or creating content, we need to think an AI, we need to anticipate how it's going to process and interpret that information. And I think that's a good spot to leave off.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: We're entering this new era.
Craig: We are…
Aimee: Of human AI collaboration.
Craig: It's exciting.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language.
Craig: We are.
Aimee: Okay. So stay tuned for the final part of our deep dive where we'll unpack the future of search and what it means for all of us. We've spent this deep dive exploring AI search.
Craig: It's been a journey…
Aimee: From conversational queries to AIVO…it really is changing how we find information.
Craig: It really is. But as with any powerful tool, it's important to think about what the future holds. Like the potential, but also the challenges.
Aimee: Totally. With any new technology.
Craig: Exactly. So where do we even begin?
Aimee: Well, I think one of the most fascinating trends is personalized search.
Craig: Okay. So what do you mean by that?
Aimee: So as AI gets to know us, our preferences, the search results will be tailored to what we need and what we're interested in.
Craig: Okay. So that sounds amazing and a little creepy.
Aimee: I know, right? Just like the AI is reading your mind, but it has the potential to be really efficient. Okay. Imagine getting instant answers to your questions. Recommendations that are perfect for you. Information that's just for you.
Craig: That sounds like a dream.
Aimee: I know, right?
Craig: For anyone who's ever felt overwhelmed by all the information online…
Aimee: There's so much.
Craig: There is so much.
Aimee: But there's also a potential downside.
Craig: Okay. What's that?
Aimee: What if we end up in filter bubbles or echo chambers?
Craig: So we only see information that we already agree with. Okay. So then how do we balance personalization with diversity of thought?
Aimee: Well, that's where we have to take charge. We have to be aware of these filter bubble and seek out other sources…
Craig: Different sources…
Aimee: And be open to things that we don't agree with.
Craig: So it's not enough to rely on AI to tell us what we should know.
Aimee: Exactly. We have to be curious and explore.
Craig: We can't be afraid to be uncomfortable. And this is all going to require new skills and strategies to navigate this world. So what can we do today to prepare for that?
Aimee: I would say embrace curiosity. Engage with the different platforms. Experiment. The more you do it,
Craig: The more comfortable you'll be.
Aimee: And this is all about approaching AI search as an adventure.
Craig: It is an adventure…
Aimee: Not just a destination.
Craig: Exactly.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language. This has been an incredible deep dive.
Craig: I've enjoyed it.
Aimee: I have too. We went from grunting caveman to AI conversations, keyword stuffing to AIVO.
Craig: It's been quite the journey.
Aimee: And I really hope our listeners feel energized.
Craig: I hope so too.
Aimee: And I’m excited about this future.
Craig: It's an exciting time.
Aimee: Remember, curiosity is your compass. Clear communication is the key. The world of knowledge is yours to explore.
Craig: Go forth and dive deep.
Aimee: Go forth and dive deep.
Craig: Ever get that feeling? That feeling where you hit a wall online?
Aimee: Oh, yeah.
Craig: When you're just like, I cannot find what I'm looking for. Stuck in a loop of the same search results. Well, good news folks…the way we search is about to change.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Dramatically…the search message that we've been using for years. They're just getting old.
Aimee: They are.
Craig: And it's kind of like, imagine trying to talk to a supercomputer using cave drawings.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: That's kind of what we've been doing.
Aimee: Yeah. It is
Craig: Typing in a few little keywords.
Aimee: You got it.
Craig: And so you're not the only one talking about this whole search evolution.
Aimee: Oh, no.
Craig: You sent in an article that really dives deep into this.
Aimee: I did.
Craig: And it is chockfull of fascinating insights.
Aimee: And!
Craig: Really good stuff. And this article is really arguing that we're being limited by this reliance on keywords.
Aimee: We are…
Craig: In the age of AI and we're missing out on a ton of information because we're not speaking the right language.
Aimee: Yes, exactly.
Craig: So it's like trying to order a fancy coffee at a coffee shop using grunts and points, and then you're surprised when you get the wrong order.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: So how do we fix this? How do we speak AI?
Aimee: The article suggests, believe it or not, we need to start typing more.
Craig: That seems counterintuitive.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Wasn't the whole beauty of Google that it was so quick.
Aimee: Yeah, you could just put in a couple words. But the thing is, these AI powered search engines are capable of so much more now. They understand the context, the intent, even the nuances of language that we use when we just put in a couple of words, we're not giving it enough to work with…
Craig: That makes sense. And this reminds me of something in the article that said people are typing on average 10 more words per search when they're using these AI search platforms.
Aimee: It's changing how we search.
Craig: So it's not even just about typing more.
Aimee: No…
Craig: It's about expressing yourself more clearly. So instead of typing best productivity app, I would say I'm feeling overwhelmed with tasks. What are some highly rated productivity apps that can help me prioritize and stay organized.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Much more effective.
Craig: Got it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: It's like talking to a knowledgeable friend instead of barking orders at a robot.
Aimee: You got it. That's a good way to put it.
Craig: And the article uses this great analogy. It says it's like asking for directions in a foreign country.
Aimee: I like that.
Craig: You're going to have a way better time if you can speak in full sentences and really explain what you're looking for rather than just shouting out random landmarks.
Aimee: You’re not going to get very far doing that.
Craig: Yeah. Okay. So that is a perfect comparison. And this conversational search impacts how we create content.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: And this is where AIVO comes in.
Aimee: AI visibility optimization.
Craig: Yes.
Aimee: That's the new thing.
Craig: It's not just about sprinkling in a few keywords into your blog post anymore.
Aimee: Not at all.
Craig: This is all about…
Aimee: It's about optimizing for those conversations with the AI…
Craig: So I need to think a helpful human being who's having a conversation more than a robot.
Aimee: Exactly.
Craig: Who's just trying to…
Aimee: Stuff in keywords.
Craig: Stuff in keywords. Exactly.
Aimee: Yeah. Provide value, answer questions, make it a good experience for the user, both human and AI.
Craig: So it's almost like AI is forcing us to be more thoughtful in how we communicate both in our searches and in the content we create.
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: So it's really, it is forcing us to become more articulate and it's making us understand what we really want.
Aimee: That's a good point.
Craig: And that goes back to that stat about the longer search queries.
Aimee: It does.
Craig: Maybe it's not just about typing more, but it's about thinking more deeply about what we're actually asking…and how we're saying it.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: So this is really making me rethink how I approach searching. It's not just about finding the quickest answer anymore, it's about engaging in this thoughtful and nuanced dialogue. So we've gone from grunting cavemen to eloquent conversationalists.
Aimee: Ha. We have…
Craig: …in the search world
Aimee: It's true.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we master speaking AI?
Aimee: How do we put this into practice?
Craig: Let's find out in part two.
Aimee: Sounds good.
Craig: All right. So we've established AI search. It's all about conversations.
Aimee: Yeah.
Craig: Not caveman grunts.
Aimee: We've moved past that.
Craig: But how do we actually do this? How do we ditch our keyword habits and unlock the power of AI
Aimee: Well, I think it starts with a mindset shift. Instead of thinking in keywords, we need to think in questions. So imagine you're sitting down with an expert in whatever field you're curious about. What would you ask them?
Craig: I like that it takes the pressure off of trying to come up with that perfect keyword. And instead it's more about a learning opportunity.
Aimee: So when you're formulating your questions, be specific, provide context. The more info you give the AI, the better it can understand what you want.
Craig: Okay. So let's say I'm interested in the impact of AI on the music industry. Instead of searching AI music, I might ask, how is artificial intelligence changing the way music is produced and consumed?
Aimee: That's a great question. I mean, that is light years ahead of just a simple keyword search.
Craig: Okay, cool.
Aimee: You're giving it that scope. You're going to get much more relevant results.
Craig: That makes a lot of sense. But about the Boolean operators?
Aimee: Oh yeah.
Craig: Do I need to become a logic whiz to use this effectively?
Aimee: No, not at all.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: AI has evolved to the point where it can understand those concepts even when we're speaking naturally.
Craig: Okay. So, going back to the music example, if I wanted to exclude stuff about AI-generated music, I could just say, "Show me how AI is impacting the music industry, but focus on human musicians and their creative process.”
Aimee: Exactly. You're telling the AI exactly what you want.
Craig: So it's like having a personal research assistant.
Aimee: It is.
Craig: Okay. This is starting to click for me.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: But what about content creators? How can they make sure their work is optimized for this new world?
Aimee: That is where AIVO comes into play.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: Remember traditional SEO all about keywords, back links. Now we're talking about AIVO creating content that's structured for conversations, not just algorithms.
Craig: So it's not just about stuffing keywords into my blog post.
Aimee: No, no, no. I can see right through that.
Craig: Okay. So what are some tips?
Aimee: Well, first and foremost, structure is key. Use clear headings, subheadings, bullet points…
Craig: Like I'm back in school…
Aimee: It 's like outlining and organizing your thoughts. AI appreciates a well-organized mind. Just like your teachers did back in the day.
Craig: Okay. And I'm also guessing, anticipating questions is important.
Aimee: Absolutely. Think about the questions that your audience might have address them head on.
Craig: This is making me rethink my entire approach to content creation.
Aimee: It's not just about writing anymore. It's about thinking strategically and anticipating structuring information in an accessible way. And here's another AIVO pro tip: Don't be afraid to experiment with different formats. Text is great, but AI loves audio videos and infographics.
Craig: So it's like creating this multisensory experience for the AI.
Aimee: Exactly. The richer your content, the more it's going to stand out.
Craig: This is really helpful.
Aimee: Good.
Craig: It seems like AIVO is not just a trend.
Aimee: It's not.
Craig: It's a fundamental shift.
Aimee: I think so…
Craig: In how we think about creating content in the age of AI…
Aimee: It's about embracing that conversational nature of search. Creating something that's informative and engaging…
Craig:.For both…
Aimee: And machines.
Craig: That's right.
Aimee: So whether we're crafting queries or creating content, we need to think an AI, we need to anticipate how it's going to process and interpret that information. And I think that's a good spot to leave off.
Craig: Okay.
Aimee: We're entering this new era.
Craig: We are…
Aimee: Of human AI collaboration.
Craig: It's exciting.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language.
Craig: We are.
Aimee: Okay. So stay tuned for the final part of our deep dive where we'll unpack the future of search and what it means for all of us. We've spent this deep dive exploring AI search.
Craig: It's been a journey…
Aimee: From conversational queries to AIVO…it really is changing how we find information.
Craig: It really is. But as with any powerful tool, it's important to think about what the future holds. Like the potential, but also the challenges.
Aimee: Totally. With any new technology.
Craig: Exactly. So where do we even begin?
Aimee: Well, I think one of the most fascinating trends is personalized search.
Craig: Okay. So what do you mean by that?
Aimee: So as AI gets to know us, our preferences, the search results will be tailored to what we need and what we're interested in.
Craig: Okay. So that sounds amazing and a little creepy.
Aimee: I know, right? Just like the AI is reading your mind, but it has the potential to be really efficient. Okay. Imagine getting instant answers to your questions. Recommendations that are perfect for you. Information that's just for you.
Craig: That sounds like a dream.
Aimee: I know, right?
Craig: For anyone who's ever felt overwhelmed by all the information online…
Aimee: There's so much.
Craig: There is so much.
Aimee: But there's also a potential downside.
Craig: Okay. What's that?
Aimee: What if we end up in filter bubbles or echo chambers?
Craig: So we only see information that we already agree with. Okay. So then how do we balance personalization with diversity of thought?
Aimee: Well, that's where we have to take charge. We have to be aware of these filter bubble and seek out other sources…
Craig: Different sources…
Aimee: And be open to things that we don't agree with.
Craig: So it's not enough to rely on AI to tell us what we should know.
Aimee: Exactly. We have to be curious and explore.
Craig: We can't be afraid to be uncomfortable. And this is all going to require new skills and strategies to navigate this world. So what can we do today to prepare for that?
Aimee: I would say embrace curiosity. Engage with the different platforms. Experiment. The more you do it,
Craig: The more comfortable you'll be.
Aimee: And this is all about approaching AI search as an adventure.
Craig: It is an adventure…
Aimee: Not just a destination.
Craig: Exactly.
Aimee: We're learning to speak each other's language. This has been an incredible deep dive.
Craig: I've enjoyed it.
Aimee: I have too. We went from grunting caveman to AI conversations, keyword stuffing to AIVO.
Craig: It's been quite the journey.
Aimee: And I really hope our listeners feel energized.
Craig: I hope so too.
Aimee: And I’m excited about this future.
Craig: It's an exciting time.
Aimee: Remember, curiosity is your compass. Clear communication is the key. The world of knowledge is yours to explore.
Craig: Go forth and dive deep.
Aimee: Go forth and dive deep.
Remember when you last Googled something? You probably typed in a few keywords and called it a day. That's because Google trained us all to think in keyword snippets – you know, the whole "best pizza NYC" thing. But here's the thing: as we dive deeper into the AI search era, those old habits might actually be holding us back.
Here's a fascinating stat: while most Google searches are just 2-3 words long, people using AI platforms like Perigon are typing out full phrases, averaging 13 words.
While Google has trained us to think in keywords—typically just 2-3 words per search—the emerging landscape of AI-powered search platforms demands a different approach. Consider this: the average search query on Perigon AI spans 13 words. That's not just a random change in behavior – it's a complete shift in how we need to think about search.
Learning to Speak AI's Language
Think of it like this: if you're in a foreign country, you'll have better luck asking for directions using complete sentences rather than just shouting random words. The same goes for AI search. Instead of typing "coffee shops NYC wifi," try something like "What coffee shops in downtown Manhattan have reliable wifi and comfortable seating for working?"
Sure, it takes a bit more effort upfront. But the results? Way more precise and actually useful.
The Funny Thing About Boolean Logic
Here's an ironic twist: while we're moving toward more natural conversation with AI, we're also circling back to some old-school search wisdom. Remember boolean search with all those AND/OR operators? That logical thinking is making a comeback – just in a more conversational way.
Instead of typing "restaurants + Thai - fusion," you might ask, "Can you recommend authentic Thai restaurants that stick to traditional recipes rather than fusion dishes?" Same logic, just wrapped in natural language that AI can better understand.
AIVO: The New Kid on the Block
Just when we thought we had SEO figured out, along comes AI Visibility Optimization (AIVO). It's like SEO's cooler, more sophisticated cousin. While SEO was all about keywords and backlinks, AIVO is about helping AI systems really get what your content is about.
Think of it this way: traditional SEO was like leaving breadcrumbs for search engines to find. AIVO is more like having an intelligent conversation.
This shift means content creators must adapt their approach. Instead of optimizing for keywords, they need to optimize for conversations. Content needs to be built differently now – with clear structures, connected ideas, and multiple formats (text, audio, video) that all work together to paint the full picture.
The Human Side of Things
Here's what's really interesting: this shift is actually making us better at articulating what we want. When you have to spell out your search query in a complete thought, you often realize what you're really looking for. It's like the difference between pointing at something and actually describing it – the description usually helps you understand it better yourself.
Where We're Headed
Let's be real: the days of keyword searching aren't completely over, but they're definitely showing their age. The future belongs to those who can adapt to this new, more conversational way of finding information. Yes, it takes more thought and effort than throwing a few keywords into Google. But the payoff? Information that actually answers your questions instead of just matching your keywords.
It's not about gaming the system anymore – it's about learning to communicate better with AI tools while staying human in the process.
Think of it as upgrading your search game from checkers to chess. A bit more complex? Sure. But way more rewarding when you get it right.
The best part? This isn't just about getting better search results. It's about being part of a bigger shift in how humans and AI interact. And let's face it – that's pretty exciting stuff.
So next time you're about to search something, take a second to break out of that Google brain mode. Your AI search assistant will thank you – and so will your search results.