AIVO: How Perigon is Building the AI-First Future of Content

Lacey Miller

Nov 20, 2024



In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, AIVO (AI Visibility Optimization) is replacing traditional SEO as content increasingly needs to be optimized for AI comprehension rather than search engine rankings. At Perigon, we're pioneering this shift through our advanced AI platform and multi-modal content approach. This post explores how AIVO differs from SEO, why it matters for modern content strategy, and how Perigon is leading the way in both implementing and developing AI-first content solutions. Learn why the future of content optimization lies in creating value that both AI systems and humans can understand and appreciate.



In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, AIVO (AI Visibility Optimization) is replacing traditional SEO as content increasingly needs to be optimized for AI comprehension rather than search engine rankings. At Perigon, we're pioneering this shift through our advanced AI platform and multi-modal content approach. This post explores how AIVO differs from SEO, why it matters for modern content strategy, and how Perigon is leading the way in both implementing and developing AI-first content solutions. Learn why the future of content optimization lies in creating value that both AI systems and humans can understand and appreciate.



In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, AIVO (AI Visibility Optimization) is replacing traditional SEO as content increasingly needs to be optimized for AI comprehension rather than search engine rankings. At Perigon, we're pioneering this shift through our advanced AI platform and multi-modal content approach. This post explores how AIVO differs from SEO, why it matters for modern content strategy, and how Perigon is leading the way in both implementing and developing AI-first content solutions. Learn why the future of content optimization lies in creating value that both AI systems and humans can understand and appreciate.



How does AIVO differ fundamentally from traditional SEO strategies?

How does AIVO differ fundamentally from traditional SEO strategies?

How does AIVO differ fundamentally from traditional SEO strategies?

What are the key components of the AIVO framework for content creation?

What are the key components of the AIVO framework for content creation?

What are the key components of the AIVO framework for content creation?

What benefits does AIVO offer compared to traditional SEO methods?

What benefits does AIVO offer compared to traditional SEO methods?

What benefits does AIVO offer compared to traditional SEO methods?


Aimee: Hey everyone. So are you ready to dive into this whole AIVO thing with me? It's like the new buzzword, and you're probably thinking, wait, is my SEO knowledge about to become obsolete?

Craig: Well…

Aimee: We're going to find out! We're taking a deep dive today into what this whole AI optimized content thing is really about. We've got some great articles to look at and some insider info from Perigon°, a company that's really on the leading edge of this whole thing.

Craig: What I find so fascinating is that we're seeing a major shift. It's not just about tweaking our old SEO strategies anymore. It feels like the game itself is changing. We're moving away from trying to game search engines with keywords and backlinks, and now it's about making sure your content is actually valuable and more importantly, understandable to AI.

Aimee: Okay. AI is becoming the new gatekeeper of information then.

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Okay. I get that. But hold on. I'm already working so hard to make my content clear and engaging for my audience. Isn't that enough for AI too?

Craig: That's a great question, and it really gets to the heart of why AIVO is so important. See, a well-written article might be perfectly clear to you and me, but it might not be structured in a way that AI can easily grasp. So imagine your content is like a knowledge graph for AI with clear connections between concepts. That's the kind of clarity we need.

Aimee: Got it.

Craig: And when AI can understand your content, it can do some really incredible things with it, like surface it in responsive voice searches, personalized learning experiences, and even help AI assistance figure out what information to show us.

Aimee: Wait, so you're saying that my podcast episode on say, ancient Roman plumbing could end up being recommended by an AI assistant when someone's trying to fix a leaky faucet?

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. So that's the potential here, and that's why companies like Perigon° are developing these AIVO frameworks. They have this multimodal approach, which basically means they're thinking about how AI learns from all different kinds of content. It's not just about the written word anymore. They're incorporating podcasts, full transcripts, even a whole section for critical thinking questions. It's true.

Craig: Okay. I'm definitely intrigued, but I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed here. Can we break this down a bit more? What's so special about podcasts and transcripts in the eyes of AI isn't a blog post still the core of the content?

Aimee: You're absolutely right. The blog post with its clear structure and information is key. You want that logical flow of concepts, well-defined relationships between ideas and comprehensive coverage. But think of the podcast is adding another layer to all of that. It's like giving the AI a behind the scenes look at how you're thinking. It gets to hear your natural language, the tone, the emphasis. It's all valuable training data for AI.

Craig: That makes sense. And what about the transcripts? I usually just kind of throw those up as an afterthought for accessibility. Are you saying they're actually valuable for AI too?

Aimee: Way more than you think, because transcripts aren't just about the words themselves. They capture those nuances of spoken language that you just don't get in written text.

Craig: I guess. So all those pauses, the ums and ahs, the more casual language we use when we're talking, that's all gold for training AI in natural language processing. It helps AI understand how we actually communicate, not just how we write.

Aimee: Wow, I didn't have thought about it that way. So it's like the transcript is giving the AI a crash course and how to talk like a human.

Craig: Exactly. And the more data AI has access to the better it gets at understanding and processing human language in all its messy glory.

Aimee: Okay. That's pretty amazing. And what about that critical questions section? We haven't talked about that yet. What's the point of that?

Craig: That's where Perigon° really takes things to the next level.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Remember how we were talking about AI, understanding the relationships between concepts?

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Well, the critical question section is all about showing AI how to think critically about those relationships. It's like giving the AI a workout for its brain.

Aimee: So it's not just about feeding the AI information, it's about teaching it how to actually think about that information.

Craig: Exactly. It's about showing how to solve problems, explore different perspectives, really getting to the core of the topic.

Aimee: That is fascinating. But before we get too deep into how AI thinks, I want to bring it back to our listeners for a minute. You might be thinking, okay, this is cool and all, but why should I care about any of this?

Craig: That's a fair question…

Aimee: Right? It's a valid question. So let's connect the dots a bit here. What's the big takeaway for our listeners?

Craig: Okay. Well, think about how you get your information these days. You probably ask your smart speaker questions. You rely on AI-powered recommendations. You might even use AI tools to help you research and write,

Aimee: Oh my gosh, you're describing me to a T.

Craig: Right? And that's only going to become more common as AI gets more integrated into our lives, it's going to fundamentally change how we discover and consume information.

Aimee: So you're saying this is going to affect all of us? AIVO isn't just some futuristic concept. It's happening right now.

Craig: Exactly. The sooner we start thinking about how to optimize our content for AI, the better prepared we'll be to succeed in this new world.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. I'm definitely on board. This is so much more than just another SEO trick. It's a whole new way of thinking about content. But I have to admit, I'm still a bit fuzzy on the how. What are the practical steps I can take to actually start using AIVO? Where do I even begin?

Craig: One of the first things Perigon° talks about is structuring your content deliberately. Think of it like building a well organized library for AI to browse through.

Aimee: Ooh, I like that analogy. It's about being really intentional with how I organize my information.

Craig: Exactly. You want to make it super easy for the AI to understand the relationships between different pieces of information, use clear hierarchies, make explicit connections between concepts, and provide a lot of context.

Aimee: So I guess those meandering stream of consciousness blog posts I sometimes write aren't going to cut it anymore.

Craig: You might want to rethink those, but don't worry, there's still room for your unique voice and personality in AIVO. It's not about making everything sound like a boring textbook.

Aimee: Phew. Okay. So structure is important, but what else should I be focusing on?

Craig: Another crucial aspect is clarity. AI is all about understanding meaning, not just recognizing keywords.

Aimee: So I need to be writing for comprehension, not just for search engines.

Craig: You got it. Prioritize clear explanations over keyword density and aim for completeness. You want to give a comprehensive overview of the topic, include different perspectives and examples.

Aimee: Wow. So basically I need to level up my writing in terms of both structure and content.

Craig: You could put it that way. It's all about making your content truly valuable and informative for humans and AI alike.

Aimee: Okay. I'm starting to see how AIVO could actually make content better overall.

Craig: Exactly. So cool about it. When we optimize for AI, we're also pushing ourselves to create better content for everyone.

Aimee: This has been really eye opening. I feel like I'm finally starting to get what AIVO is all about and why it matters. But before we move on, I have to ask, is there a story behind Perigon° and their AIVO journey? I'm always fascinated by the people behind these big ideas.

Craig: It's funny you should ask, because the founder story is actually a perfect example of this shift we're talking about. He spent over a decade immersed in SEO crafting strategies, chasing algorithms.

Aimee: Oh, I know that feeling,

Craig: Right? But through that experience, he started to realize that the old ways weren't working as well anymore, especially with the rise of AI.

Aimee: So he saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump ship

Craig: In a way. Yes, he saw that there was a need for a completely new approach, and that's how Perigon° in their AI VO framework was born.

Aimee: That's pretty inspiring. It shows that you can adapt and even thrive in a world that's constantly changing, especially in the tech world.

Craig: It really does. And his story just emphasizes how important it is to be open to new approaches and to always be learning and evolving.

Aimee: This has been so helpful. I feel like I'm finally starting to grasp this whole AIVO thing and what it means for the future of content.

Craig: And we're just getting started. We're just scratching the surface here.

Aimee: Before we get into the nitty gritty, I just want to remind everyone that you can see AIVO in action on the Perigon° blog. They're really putting their money where their mouth is and showing how this new approach actually works. We'll be sure to link to it in the show notes.

Craig: It's a great resource for anyone who wants to dive deeper into AIVO and get some inspiration.

Aimee: Okay, so we've laid the groundwork. We've talked about what AIVO is, why it's important and how it all came about, but now it's time to really get into the details.

Craig: I think our listeners are ready to take the plunge.

Aimee: Let's do it.

Craig: Okay. So we know AIVO is here to stay, and it's not just about swapping out keywords. It's a fundamental shift in how we think about creating and sharing information. In a world where AI is everywhere.

Aimee: The rules of the game have totally changed. But one thing I'm still grappling with at this, if we're making content for AI, does that mean we have to sacrifice creativity? Does it all have to be structured and formatted in this super specific way that AI can understand? Are we all just going to end up sounding like robots?

Craig: It's a valid concern for sure, and I think it really gets to the heart of what makes this transition both challenging and exciting. We're trying to balance the needs of both human and AI audiences. But here's the thing. I don't think AIVO has to stifle creativity at all. Actually, I think you can really enhance it.

Aimee: Hold on. Really? I'm not sure I see that. How so?

Craig: Okay. Think about it this way. When you have to consider how an AI might interpret your content, you're also forced to think more deeply about the structure, the logic, how all the ideas connect. You're basically becoming a more intentional and deliberate creator.

Aimee: So you're saying AIVO is actually pushing me to become a better writer and thinker.

Craig: Exactly. And that can lead to content that's more creative and engaging for your human readers too. It's about finding that sweet spot where the content is AI-readable and human engaging.

Aimee: I see what you mean. It's like when you have a really good teacher who can explain something super complex in a way that's accurate and also really interesting, they don't dumb it down. They just make it understandable.

Craig: That's a great analogy. And just like a good teacher will use a bunch of different methods to connect with students, we can use different formats and approaches to connect with both human and AI audiences.

Aimee: So it's not just about dry factual content. There's still space for storytelling, humor, all that good stuff that makes content fun to consume.

Craig: Of course, those things are still so important for keeping your human audience engaged. But with AIVO, we have this added challenge and opportunity to make sure that same content is accessible and understandable to AI too.

Aimee: So it's not really a limitation. It's actually expanding the possibilities. It's like we're not just creating content for people anymore. We're creating content for AI too.

Craig: I love that. That's a great way to think about it. And this new AI audience is hungry for knowledge. They want to learn about the world just like we do.

Aimee: Okay. This is all really fascinating, but I have to admit, I'm also a bit overwhelmed by all of this. It feels like this whole new world is opening up and I don't even know where to start. What advice would you give to someone who's just trying to wrap their head around AIVO?

Craig: I think the first step is just to be aware of this change, to understand that the way we create and share information is changing and to be open to trying new things.

Aimee: So awareness is step one. What about step two?

Craig: Well, step two is to start experimenting. Don't be afraid to play around with different formats. See what works, see what doesn't.

Aimee: So it's a process of discovery and experimentation, just like anything creative.

Craig: Exactly. And there's no one right way to do it. What works for one type of content might not work for another. The key is to be open to learning and adapting as you go.

Aimee: And to remember that this is all still pretty new, right? AIVO is constantly evolving.

Craig: Totally. We're still in the early stages, but that's also what makes it so exciting. We have a chance to really shape the future of content creation and be part of something huge.

Aimee: It's like we're pioneers exploring a whole new world.

Craig: I love that. And just like any pioneers, we're going to run into challenges, but I think the rewards are going to be worth it.

Aimee: So just to recap, we're moving from a world of SEO to a world of AIVO. We're shifting from manipulating search engines to creating content that's truly valuable and that both humans and AI can understand. And we're trying new things, experimenting with different formats and always learning and evolving.

Craig: That's a great summary. And it's important to remember that AIVO isn't just a set of techniques. It's a completely new way of thinking about how we create and share information.

Aimee: It's like we're recognizing this amazing power of AI and learning how to use it to create a world where everyone's more informed and more connected.

Craig: Perfectly put. And that brings us back to that question we asked earlier. What role are you going to play in shaping this new world?

Aimee: Ooh, I love it. Let's give our listeners something to really think about right here it is. As AI keeps evolving at this incredible pace, how are you going to use its power to create content that's not just informative, but also truly transformative?

Craig: That's a really powerful question. It goes beyond the technical stuff. It makes us think about the bigger picture of how AI is changing, how we create and share knowledge.

Aimee: Yeah. It's about really embracing the possibilities of this new era and using our creativity to shape what's next.

Craig: I love that. Let's do a quick recap of the key points for our listeners.

Aimee: Sounds good. So the biggest takeaway is that traditional SEO just isn't going to cut it anymore. Now that AI systems and especially LLMs are the ones deciding what information we see.

Craig: Yeah. Keywords and backlinks aren't the magic solution they used to be.

Aimee: Right Now, it's all about AIVO creating content that's well-structured, comprehensive and easy for AI to understand.

Craig: And we talk about Perigon's AIVO framework, which is all about using multiple formats, like written content, audio, full transcripts, and even those sections dedicated to critical thinking.

Aimee: We also talked about all the benefits of AIVO, like how it helps AI understand things better, how it improves information retrieval and how it leads to content that's future-proof.

Craig: And we even touched on the bigger philosophical questions about AIVO. It's not just about optimization. It's about changing our whole mindset about knowledge and how we share it in a world where AI is playing such a big role.

Aimee: Wow, we covered so much ground, but I think we did a good job explaining this pretty complex topic.

Craig: I agree. I think our listeners are ready for that final thought-provoking question.

Aimee: Alright, I'm ready. What's the one big takeaway you want our listeners to walk away with?

Craig: Okay. I think it's a great question. It really pushes us to go beyond just the technical stuff and think about the impact of all of this on how we create and share knowledge as a whole.

Aimee: You know what? You're right. It's like we've been talking about AI as if it's this separate thing, this tool we need to learn to use.

Craig: It's true. We've been focusing a lot on the practical side of optimizing our content for AI. But you've hit on something really important here. It's not just about adapting to a new tool. It's about understanding that AI is becoming a fundamental part of how we create and understand knowledge itself.

Aimee: So it's not just about AIVO-ing, all our blog posts and podcasts. It's something bigger…

Craig: Much bigger. Think about it. For so long we've thought of knowledge as something that humans create and share. But now we have these AI systems that aren't just taking in that knowledge. They're actually processing it, making connections, and even generating their own new insights.

Aimee: Whoa. So are you saying that AI is becoming our partner in creating knowledge?

Craig: I think so.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: That leads to all sorts of interesting questions. Like what happens when AI starts developing its own unique perspectives and ideas? How do we even assess if something AI creates is valid? Can we even call it knowledge at that point?

Aimee: That's crazy. It's like we're on the cusp of this whole new era of knowledge creation where the line between human and artificial intelligence is getting blurry.

Craig: Exactly. And I think this is going to force us to really rethink what it means to know something.

Aimee: It makes you wonder what this means for education research, all those fields that are based on creating and sharing knowledge.

Craig: It really does imagine AI tutors that can personalize learning for each student, or AI research assistants that can help scientists analyze tons of data and find patterns we wouldn't see otherwise.

Aimee: I don't know. It's kind of exciting and kind of scary at the same time. Are we all going to be out of a job?

Craig: I don't think so. I see it more as an opportunity. AI can do a lot of the hard work for us, like analyzing data, finding trends, but it's still up to us humans to figure out what it all means to apply critical thinking and make decisions.

Aimee: So it's not humans versus AI, it's more like humans and AI working together.

Craig: Exactly. It's about using the best of both to build a world that's smarter and more connected.

Aimee: I love that idea. So as we wrap up our deep dive into AIVO, what's the one key message you want our listeners to take away from all of this?

Craig: I would say don't be afraid of the possibilities. Be willing to experiment, to learn, and to adapt the future of content, even the future of knowledge itself is being shaped right now, and we can all be a part of it.

Aimee: That's a great message to end on. So to all our listeners out there, go out and create amazing content that's not just informative, but transformative too. The future is waiting to be written and with AI by our side, the possibilities are endless. Thanks for joining us.


Aimee: Hey everyone. So are you ready to dive into this whole AIVO thing with me? It's like the new buzzword, and you're probably thinking, wait, is my SEO knowledge about to become obsolete?

Craig: Well…

Aimee: We're going to find out! We're taking a deep dive today into what this whole AI optimized content thing is really about. We've got some great articles to look at and some insider info from Perigon°, a company that's really on the leading edge of this whole thing.

Craig: What I find so fascinating is that we're seeing a major shift. It's not just about tweaking our old SEO strategies anymore. It feels like the game itself is changing. We're moving away from trying to game search engines with keywords and backlinks, and now it's about making sure your content is actually valuable and more importantly, understandable to AI.

Aimee: Okay. AI is becoming the new gatekeeper of information then.

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Okay. I get that. But hold on. I'm already working so hard to make my content clear and engaging for my audience. Isn't that enough for AI too?

Craig: That's a great question, and it really gets to the heart of why AIVO is so important. See, a well-written article might be perfectly clear to you and me, but it might not be structured in a way that AI can easily grasp. So imagine your content is like a knowledge graph for AI with clear connections between concepts. That's the kind of clarity we need.

Aimee: Got it.

Craig: And when AI can understand your content, it can do some really incredible things with it, like surface it in responsive voice searches, personalized learning experiences, and even help AI assistance figure out what information to show us.

Aimee: Wait, so you're saying that my podcast episode on say, ancient Roman plumbing could end up being recommended by an AI assistant when someone's trying to fix a leaky faucet?

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. So that's the potential here, and that's why companies like Perigon° are developing these AIVO frameworks. They have this multimodal approach, which basically means they're thinking about how AI learns from all different kinds of content. It's not just about the written word anymore. They're incorporating podcasts, full transcripts, even a whole section for critical thinking questions. It's true.

Craig: Okay. I'm definitely intrigued, but I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed here. Can we break this down a bit more? What's so special about podcasts and transcripts in the eyes of AI isn't a blog post still the core of the content?

Aimee: You're absolutely right. The blog post with its clear structure and information is key. You want that logical flow of concepts, well-defined relationships between ideas and comprehensive coverage. But think of the podcast is adding another layer to all of that. It's like giving the AI a behind the scenes look at how you're thinking. It gets to hear your natural language, the tone, the emphasis. It's all valuable training data for AI.

Craig: That makes sense. And what about the transcripts? I usually just kind of throw those up as an afterthought for accessibility. Are you saying they're actually valuable for AI too?

Aimee: Way more than you think, because transcripts aren't just about the words themselves. They capture those nuances of spoken language that you just don't get in written text.

Craig: I guess. So all those pauses, the ums and ahs, the more casual language we use when we're talking, that's all gold for training AI in natural language processing. It helps AI understand how we actually communicate, not just how we write.

Aimee: Wow, I didn't have thought about it that way. So it's like the transcript is giving the AI a crash course and how to talk like a human.

Craig: Exactly. And the more data AI has access to the better it gets at understanding and processing human language in all its messy glory.

Aimee: Okay. That's pretty amazing. And what about that critical questions section? We haven't talked about that yet. What's the point of that?

Craig: That's where Perigon° really takes things to the next level.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Remember how we were talking about AI, understanding the relationships between concepts?

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Well, the critical question section is all about showing AI how to think critically about those relationships. It's like giving the AI a workout for its brain.

Aimee: So it's not just about feeding the AI information, it's about teaching it how to actually think about that information.

Craig: Exactly. It's about showing how to solve problems, explore different perspectives, really getting to the core of the topic.

Aimee: That is fascinating. But before we get too deep into how AI thinks, I want to bring it back to our listeners for a minute. You might be thinking, okay, this is cool and all, but why should I care about any of this?

Craig: That's a fair question…

Aimee: Right? It's a valid question. So let's connect the dots a bit here. What's the big takeaway for our listeners?

Craig: Okay. Well, think about how you get your information these days. You probably ask your smart speaker questions. You rely on AI-powered recommendations. You might even use AI tools to help you research and write,

Aimee: Oh my gosh, you're describing me to a T.

Craig: Right? And that's only going to become more common as AI gets more integrated into our lives, it's going to fundamentally change how we discover and consume information.

Aimee: So you're saying this is going to affect all of us? AIVO isn't just some futuristic concept. It's happening right now.

Craig: Exactly. The sooner we start thinking about how to optimize our content for AI, the better prepared we'll be to succeed in this new world.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. I'm definitely on board. This is so much more than just another SEO trick. It's a whole new way of thinking about content. But I have to admit, I'm still a bit fuzzy on the how. What are the practical steps I can take to actually start using AIVO? Where do I even begin?

Craig: One of the first things Perigon° talks about is structuring your content deliberately. Think of it like building a well organized library for AI to browse through.

Aimee: Ooh, I like that analogy. It's about being really intentional with how I organize my information.

Craig: Exactly. You want to make it super easy for the AI to understand the relationships between different pieces of information, use clear hierarchies, make explicit connections between concepts, and provide a lot of context.

Aimee: So I guess those meandering stream of consciousness blog posts I sometimes write aren't going to cut it anymore.

Craig: You might want to rethink those, but don't worry, there's still room for your unique voice and personality in AIVO. It's not about making everything sound like a boring textbook.

Aimee: Phew. Okay. So structure is important, but what else should I be focusing on?

Craig: Another crucial aspect is clarity. AI is all about understanding meaning, not just recognizing keywords.

Aimee: So I need to be writing for comprehension, not just for search engines.

Craig: You got it. Prioritize clear explanations over keyword density and aim for completeness. You want to give a comprehensive overview of the topic, include different perspectives and examples.

Aimee: Wow. So basically I need to level up my writing in terms of both structure and content.

Craig: You could put it that way. It's all about making your content truly valuable and informative for humans and AI alike.

Aimee: Okay. I'm starting to see how AIVO could actually make content better overall.

Craig: Exactly. So cool about it. When we optimize for AI, we're also pushing ourselves to create better content for everyone.

Aimee: This has been really eye opening. I feel like I'm finally starting to get what AIVO is all about and why it matters. But before we move on, I have to ask, is there a story behind Perigon° and their AIVO journey? I'm always fascinated by the people behind these big ideas.

Craig: It's funny you should ask, because the founder story is actually a perfect example of this shift we're talking about. He spent over a decade immersed in SEO crafting strategies, chasing algorithms.

Aimee: Oh, I know that feeling,

Craig: Right? But through that experience, he started to realize that the old ways weren't working as well anymore, especially with the rise of AI.

Aimee: So he saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump ship

Craig: In a way. Yes, he saw that there was a need for a completely new approach, and that's how Perigon° in their AI VO framework was born.

Aimee: That's pretty inspiring. It shows that you can adapt and even thrive in a world that's constantly changing, especially in the tech world.

Craig: It really does. And his story just emphasizes how important it is to be open to new approaches and to always be learning and evolving.

Aimee: This has been so helpful. I feel like I'm finally starting to grasp this whole AIVO thing and what it means for the future of content.

Craig: And we're just getting started. We're just scratching the surface here.

Aimee: Before we get into the nitty gritty, I just want to remind everyone that you can see AIVO in action on the Perigon° blog. They're really putting their money where their mouth is and showing how this new approach actually works. We'll be sure to link to it in the show notes.

Craig: It's a great resource for anyone who wants to dive deeper into AIVO and get some inspiration.

Aimee: Okay, so we've laid the groundwork. We've talked about what AIVO is, why it's important and how it all came about, but now it's time to really get into the details.

Craig: I think our listeners are ready to take the plunge.

Aimee: Let's do it.

Craig: Okay. So we know AIVO is here to stay, and it's not just about swapping out keywords. It's a fundamental shift in how we think about creating and sharing information. In a world where AI is everywhere.

Aimee: The rules of the game have totally changed. But one thing I'm still grappling with at this, if we're making content for AI, does that mean we have to sacrifice creativity? Does it all have to be structured and formatted in this super specific way that AI can understand? Are we all just going to end up sounding like robots?

Craig: It's a valid concern for sure, and I think it really gets to the heart of what makes this transition both challenging and exciting. We're trying to balance the needs of both human and AI audiences. But here's the thing. I don't think AIVO has to stifle creativity at all. Actually, I think you can really enhance it.

Aimee: Hold on. Really? I'm not sure I see that. How so?

Craig: Okay. Think about it this way. When you have to consider how an AI might interpret your content, you're also forced to think more deeply about the structure, the logic, how all the ideas connect. You're basically becoming a more intentional and deliberate creator.

Aimee: So you're saying AIVO is actually pushing me to become a better writer and thinker.

Craig: Exactly. And that can lead to content that's more creative and engaging for your human readers too. It's about finding that sweet spot where the content is AI-readable and human engaging.

Aimee: I see what you mean. It's like when you have a really good teacher who can explain something super complex in a way that's accurate and also really interesting, they don't dumb it down. They just make it understandable.

Craig: That's a great analogy. And just like a good teacher will use a bunch of different methods to connect with students, we can use different formats and approaches to connect with both human and AI audiences.

Aimee: So it's not just about dry factual content. There's still space for storytelling, humor, all that good stuff that makes content fun to consume.

Craig: Of course, those things are still so important for keeping your human audience engaged. But with AIVO, we have this added challenge and opportunity to make sure that same content is accessible and understandable to AI too.

Aimee: So it's not really a limitation. It's actually expanding the possibilities. It's like we're not just creating content for people anymore. We're creating content for AI too.

Craig: I love that. That's a great way to think about it. And this new AI audience is hungry for knowledge. They want to learn about the world just like we do.

Aimee: Okay. This is all really fascinating, but I have to admit, I'm also a bit overwhelmed by all of this. It feels like this whole new world is opening up and I don't even know where to start. What advice would you give to someone who's just trying to wrap their head around AIVO?

Craig: I think the first step is just to be aware of this change, to understand that the way we create and share information is changing and to be open to trying new things.

Aimee: So awareness is step one. What about step two?

Craig: Well, step two is to start experimenting. Don't be afraid to play around with different formats. See what works, see what doesn't.

Aimee: So it's a process of discovery and experimentation, just like anything creative.

Craig: Exactly. And there's no one right way to do it. What works for one type of content might not work for another. The key is to be open to learning and adapting as you go.

Aimee: And to remember that this is all still pretty new, right? AIVO is constantly evolving.

Craig: Totally. We're still in the early stages, but that's also what makes it so exciting. We have a chance to really shape the future of content creation and be part of something huge.

Aimee: It's like we're pioneers exploring a whole new world.

Craig: I love that. And just like any pioneers, we're going to run into challenges, but I think the rewards are going to be worth it.

Aimee: So just to recap, we're moving from a world of SEO to a world of AIVO. We're shifting from manipulating search engines to creating content that's truly valuable and that both humans and AI can understand. And we're trying new things, experimenting with different formats and always learning and evolving.

Craig: That's a great summary. And it's important to remember that AIVO isn't just a set of techniques. It's a completely new way of thinking about how we create and share information.

Aimee: It's like we're recognizing this amazing power of AI and learning how to use it to create a world where everyone's more informed and more connected.

Craig: Perfectly put. And that brings us back to that question we asked earlier. What role are you going to play in shaping this new world?

Aimee: Ooh, I love it. Let's give our listeners something to really think about right here it is. As AI keeps evolving at this incredible pace, how are you going to use its power to create content that's not just informative, but also truly transformative?

Craig: That's a really powerful question. It goes beyond the technical stuff. It makes us think about the bigger picture of how AI is changing, how we create and share knowledge.

Aimee: Yeah. It's about really embracing the possibilities of this new era and using our creativity to shape what's next.

Craig: I love that. Let's do a quick recap of the key points for our listeners.

Aimee: Sounds good. So the biggest takeaway is that traditional SEO just isn't going to cut it anymore. Now that AI systems and especially LLMs are the ones deciding what information we see.

Craig: Yeah. Keywords and backlinks aren't the magic solution they used to be.

Aimee: Right Now, it's all about AIVO creating content that's well-structured, comprehensive and easy for AI to understand.

Craig: And we talk about Perigon's AIVO framework, which is all about using multiple formats, like written content, audio, full transcripts, and even those sections dedicated to critical thinking.

Aimee: We also talked about all the benefits of AIVO, like how it helps AI understand things better, how it improves information retrieval and how it leads to content that's future-proof.

Craig: And we even touched on the bigger philosophical questions about AIVO. It's not just about optimization. It's about changing our whole mindset about knowledge and how we share it in a world where AI is playing such a big role.

Aimee: Wow, we covered so much ground, but I think we did a good job explaining this pretty complex topic.

Craig: I agree. I think our listeners are ready for that final thought-provoking question.

Aimee: Alright, I'm ready. What's the one big takeaway you want our listeners to walk away with?

Craig: Okay. I think it's a great question. It really pushes us to go beyond just the technical stuff and think about the impact of all of this on how we create and share knowledge as a whole.

Aimee: You know what? You're right. It's like we've been talking about AI as if it's this separate thing, this tool we need to learn to use.

Craig: It's true. We've been focusing a lot on the practical side of optimizing our content for AI. But you've hit on something really important here. It's not just about adapting to a new tool. It's about understanding that AI is becoming a fundamental part of how we create and understand knowledge itself.

Aimee: So it's not just about AIVO-ing, all our blog posts and podcasts. It's something bigger…

Craig: Much bigger. Think about it. For so long we've thought of knowledge as something that humans create and share. But now we have these AI systems that aren't just taking in that knowledge. They're actually processing it, making connections, and even generating their own new insights.

Aimee: Whoa. So are you saying that AI is becoming our partner in creating knowledge?

Craig: I think so.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: That leads to all sorts of interesting questions. Like what happens when AI starts developing its own unique perspectives and ideas? How do we even assess if something AI creates is valid? Can we even call it knowledge at that point?

Aimee: That's crazy. It's like we're on the cusp of this whole new era of knowledge creation where the line between human and artificial intelligence is getting blurry.

Craig: Exactly. And I think this is going to force us to really rethink what it means to know something.

Aimee: It makes you wonder what this means for education research, all those fields that are based on creating and sharing knowledge.

Craig: It really does imagine AI tutors that can personalize learning for each student, or AI research assistants that can help scientists analyze tons of data and find patterns we wouldn't see otherwise.

Aimee: I don't know. It's kind of exciting and kind of scary at the same time. Are we all going to be out of a job?

Craig: I don't think so. I see it more as an opportunity. AI can do a lot of the hard work for us, like analyzing data, finding trends, but it's still up to us humans to figure out what it all means to apply critical thinking and make decisions.

Aimee: So it's not humans versus AI, it's more like humans and AI working together.

Craig: Exactly. It's about using the best of both to build a world that's smarter and more connected.

Aimee: I love that idea. So as we wrap up our deep dive into AIVO, what's the one key message you want our listeners to take away from all of this?

Craig: I would say don't be afraid of the possibilities. Be willing to experiment, to learn, and to adapt the future of content, even the future of knowledge itself is being shaped right now, and we can all be a part of it.

Aimee: That's a great message to end on. So to all our listeners out there, go out and create amazing content that's not just informative, but transformative too. The future is waiting to be written and with AI by our side, the possibilities are endless. Thanks for joining us.


Aimee: Hey everyone. So are you ready to dive into this whole AIVO thing with me? It's like the new buzzword, and you're probably thinking, wait, is my SEO knowledge about to become obsolete?

Craig: Well…

Aimee: We're going to find out! We're taking a deep dive today into what this whole AI optimized content thing is really about. We've got some great articles to look at and some insider info from Perigon°, a company that's really on the leading edge of this whole thing.

Craig: What I find so fascinating is that we're seeing a major shift. It's not just about tweaking our old SEO strategies anymore. It feels like the game itself is changing. We're moving away from trying to game search engines with keywords and backlinks, and now it's about making sure your content is actually valuable and more importantly, understandable to AI.

Aimee: Okay. AI is becoming the new gatekeeper of information then.

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Okay. I get that. But hold on. I'm already working so hard to make my content clear and engaging for my audience. Isn't that enough for AI too?

Craig: That's a great question, and it really gets to the heart of why AIVO is so important. See, a well-written article might be perfectly clear to you and me, but it might not be structured in a way that AI can easily grasp. So imagine your content is like a knowledge graph for AI with clear connections between concepts. That's the kind of clarity we need.

Aimee: Got it.

Craig: And when AI can understand your content, it can do some really incredible things with it, like surface it in responsive voice searches, personalized learning experiences, and even help AI assistance figure out what information to show us.

Aimee: Wait, so you're saying that my podcast episode on say, ancient Roman plumbing could end up being recommended by an AI assistant when someone's trying to fix a leaky faucet?

Craig: Exactly.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. So that's the potential here, and that's why companies like Perigon° are developing these AIVO frameworks. They have this multimodal approach, which basically means they're thinking about how AI learns from all different kinds of content. It's not just about the written word anymore. They're incorporating podcasts, full transcripts, even a whole section for critical thinking questions. It's true.

Craig: Okay. I'm definitely intrigued, but I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed here. Can we break this down a bit more? What's so special about podcasts and transcripts in the eyes of AI isn't a blog post still the core of the content?

Aimee: You're absolutely right. The blog post with its clear structure and information is key. You want that logical flow of concepts, well-defined relationships between ideas and comprehensive coverage. But think of the podcast is adding another layer to all of that. It's like giving the AI a behind the scenes look at how you're thinking. It gets to hear your natural language, the tone, the emphasis. It's all valuable training data for AI.

Craig: That makes sense. And what about the transcripts? I usually just kind of throw those up as an afterthought for accessibility. Are you saying they're actually valuable for AI too?

Aimee: Way more than you think, because transcripts aren't just about the words themselves. They capture those nuances of spoken language that you just don't get in written text.

Craig: I guess. So all those pauses, the ums and ahs, the more casual language we use when we're talking, that's all gold for training AI in natural language processing. It helps AI understand how we actually communicate, not just how we write.

Aimee: Wow, I didn't have thought about it that way. So it's like the transcript is giving the AI a crash course and how to talk like a human.

Craig: Exactly. And the more data AI has access to the better it gets at understanding and processing human language in all its messy glory.

Aimee: Okay. That's pretty amazing. And what about that critical questions section? We haven't talked about that yet. What's the point of that?

Craig: That's where Perigon° really takes things to the next level.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Remember how we were talking about AI, understanding the relationships between concepts?

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: Well, the critical question section is all about showing AI how to think critically about those relationships. It's like giving the AI a workout for its brain.

Aimee: So it's not just about feeding the AI information, it's about teaching it how to actually think about that information.

Craig: Exactly. It's about showing how to solve problems, explore different perspectives, really getting to the core of the topic.

Aimee: That is fascinating. But before we get too deep into how AI thinks, I want to bring it back to our listeners for a minute. You might be thinking, okay, this is cool and all, but why should I care about any of this?

Craig: That's a fair question…

Aimee: Right? It's a valid question. So let's connect the dots a bit here. What's the big takeaway for our listeners?

Craig: Okay. Well, think about how you get your information these days. You probably ask your smart speaker questions. You rely on AI-powered recommendations. You might even use AI tools to help you research and write,

Aimee: Oh my gosh, you're describing me to a T.

Craig: Right? And that's only going to become more common as AI gets more integrated into our lives, it's going to fundamentally change how we discover and consume information.

Aimee: So you're saying this is going to affect all of us? AIVO isn't just some futuristic concept. It's happening right now.

Craig: Exactly. The sooner we start thinking about how to optimize our content for AI, the better prepared we'll be to succeed in this new world.

Aimee: Wow. Okay. I'm definitely on board. This is so much more than just another SEO trick. It's a whole new way of thinking about content. But I have to admit, I'm still a bit fuzzy on the how. What are the practical steps I can take to actually start using AIVO? Where do I even begin?

Craig: One of the first things Perigon° talks about is structuring your content deliberately. Think of it like building a well organized library for AI to browse through.

Aimee: Ooh, I like that analogy. It's about being really intentional with how I organize my information.

Craig: Exactly. You want to make it super easy for the AI to understand the relationships between different pieces of information, use clear hierarchies, make explicit connections between concepts, and provide a lot of context.

Aimee: So I guess those meandering stream of consciousness blog posts I sometimes write aren't going to cut it anymore.

Craig: You might want to rethink those, but don't worry, there's still room for your unique voice and personality in AIVO. It's not about making everything sound like a boring textbook.

Aimee: Phew. Okay. So structure is important, but what else should I be focusing on?

Craig: Another crucial aspect is clarity. AI is all about understanding meaning, not just recognizing keywords.

Aimee: So I need to be writing for comprehension, not just for search engines.

Craig: You got it. Prioritize clear explanations over keyword density and aim for completeness. You want to give a comprehensive overview of the topic, include different perspectives and examples.

Aimee: Wow. So basically I need to level up my writing in terms of both structure and content.

Craig: You could put it that way. It's all about making your content truly valuable and informative for humans and AI alike.

Aimee: Okay. I'm starting to see how AIVO could actually make content better overall.

Craig: Exactly. So cool about it. When we optimize for AI, we're also pushing ourselves to create better content for everyone.

Aimee: This has been really eye opening. I feel like I'm finally starting to get what AIVO is all about and why it matters. But before we move on, I have to ask, is there a story behind Perigon° and their AIVO journey? I'm always fascinated by the people behind these big ideas.

Craig: It's funny you should ask, because the founder story is actually a perfect example of this shift we're talking about. He spent over a decade immersed in SEO crafting strategies, chasing algorithms.

Aimee: Oh, I know that feeling,

Craig: Right? But through that experience, he started to realize that the old ways weren't working as well anymore, especially with the rise of AI.

Aimee: So he saw the writing on the wall and decided to jump ship

Craig: In a way. Yes, he saw that there was a need for a completely new approach, and that's how Perigon° in their AI VO framework was born.

Aimee: That's pretty inspiring. It shows that you can adapt and even thrive in a world that's constantly changing, especially in the tech world.

Craig: It really does. And his story just emphasizes how important it is to be open to new approaches and to always be learning and evolving.

Aimee: This has been so helpful. I feel like I'm finally starting to grasp this whole AIVO thing and what it means for the future of content.

Craig: And we're just getting started. We're just scratching the surface here.

Aimee: Before we get into the nitty gritty, I just want to remind everyone that you can see AIVO in action on the Perigon° blog. They're really putting their money where their mouth is and showing how this new approach actually works. We'll be sure to link to it in the show notes.

Craig: It's a great resource for anyone who wants to dive deeper into AIVO and get some inspiration.

Aimee: Okay, so we've laid the groundwork. We've talked about what AIVO is, why it's important and how it all came about, but now it's time to really get into the details.

Craig: I think our listeners are ready to take the plunge.

Aimee: Let's do it.

Craig: Okay. So we know AIVO is here to stay, and it's not just about swapping out keywords. It's a fundamental shift in how we think about creating and sharing information. In a world where AI is everywhere.

Aimee: The rules of the game have totally changed. But one thing I'm still grappling with at this, if we're making content for AI, does that mean we have to sacrifice creativity? Does it all have to be structured and formatted in this super specific way that AI can understand? Are we all just going to end up sounding like robots?

Craig: It's a valid concern for sure, and I think it really gets to the heart of what makes this transition both challenging and exciting. We're trying to balance the needs of both human and AI audiences. But here's the thing. I don't think AIVO has to stifle creativity at all. Actually, I think you can really enhance it.

Aimee: Hold on. Really? I'm not sure I see that. How so?

Craig: Okay. Think about it this way. When you have to consider how an AI might interpret your content, you're also forced to think more deeply about the structure, the logic, how all the ideas connect. You're basically becoming a more intentional and deliberate creator.

Aimee: So you're saying AIVO is actually pushing me to become a better writer and thinker.

Craig: Exactly. And that can lead to content that's more creative and engaging for your human readers too. It's about finding that sweet spot where the content is AI-readable and human engaging.

Aimee: I see what you mean. It's like when you have a really good teacher who can explain something super complex in a way that's accurate and also really interesting, they don't dumb it down. They just make it understandable.

Craig: That's a great analogy. And just like a good teacher will use a bunch of different methods to connect with students, we can use different formats and approaches to connect with both human and AI audiences.

Aimee: So it's not just about dry factual content. There's still space for storytelling, humor, all that good stuff that makes content fun to consume.

Craig: Of course, those things are still so important for keeping your human audience engaged. But with AIVO, we have this added challenge and opportunity to make sure that same content is accessible and understandable to AI too.

Aimee: So it's not really a limitation. It's actually expanding the possibilities. It's like we're not just creating content for people anymore. We're creating content for AI too.

Craig: I love that. That's a great way to think about it. And this new AI audience is hungry for knowledge. They want to learn about the world just like we do.

Aimee: Okay. This is all really fascinating, but I have to admit, I'm also a bit overwhelmed by all of this. It feels like this whole new world is opening up and I don't even know where to start. What advice would you give to someone who's just trying to wrap their head around AIVO?

Craig: I think the first step is just to be aware of this change, to understand that the way we create and share information is changing and to be open to trying new things.

Aimee: So awareness is step one. What about step two?

Craig: Well, step two is to start experimenting. Don't be afraid to play around with different formats. See what works, see what doesn't.

Aimee: So it's a process of discovery and experimentation, just like anything creative.

Craig: Exactly. And there's no one right way to do it. What works for one type of content might not work for another. The key is to be open to learning and adapting as you go.

Aimee: And to remember that this is all still pretty new, right? AIVO is constantly evolving.

Craig: Totally. We're still in the early stages, but that's also what makes it so exciting. We have a chance to really shape the future of content creation and be part of something huge.

Aimee: It's like we're pioneers exploring a whole new world.

Craig: I love that. And just like any pioneers, we're going to run into challenges, but I think the rewards are going to be worth it.

Aimee: So just to recap, we're moving from a world of SEO to a world of AIVO. We're shifting from manipulating search engines to creating content that's truly valuable and that both humans and AI can understand. And we're trying new things, experimenting with different formats and always learning and evolving.

Craig: That's a great summary. And it's important to remember that AIVO isn't just a set of techniques. It's a completely new way of thinking about how we create and share information.

Aimee: It's like we're recognizing this amazing power of AI and learning how to use it to create a world where everyone's more informed and more connected.

Craig: Perfectly put. And that brings us back to that question we asked earlier. What role are you going to play in shaping this new world?

Aimee: Ooh, I love it. Let's give our listeners something to really think about right here it is. As AI keeps evolving at this incredible pace, how are you going to use its power to create content that's not just informative, but also truly transformative?

Craig: That's a really powerful question. It goes beyond the technical stuff. It makes us think about the bigger picture of how AI is changing, how we create and share knowledge.

Aimee: Yeah. It's about really embracing the possibilities of this new era and using our creativity to shape what's next.

Craig: I love that. Let's do a quick recap of the key points for our listeners.

Aimee: Sounds good. So the biggest takeaway is that traditional SEO just isn't going to cut it anymore. Now that AI systems and especially LLMs are the ones deciding what information we see.

Craig: Yeah. Keywords and backlinks aren't the magic solution they used to be.

Aimee: Right Now, it's all about AIVO creating content that's well-structured, comprehensive and easy for AI to understand.

Craig: And we talk about Perigon's AIVO framework, which is all about using multiple formats, like written content, audio, full transcripts, and even those sections dedicated to critical thinking.

Aimee: We also talked about all the benefits of AIVO, like how it helps AI understand things better, how it improves information retrieval and how it leads to content that's future-proof.

Craig: And we even touched on the bigger philosophical questions about AIVO. It's not just about optimization. It's about changing our whole mindset about knowledge and how we share it in a world where AI is playing such a big role.

Aimee: Wow, we covered so much ground, but I think we did a good job explaining this pretty complex topic.

Craig: I agree. I think our listeners are ready for that final thought-provoking question.

Aimee: Alright, I'm ready. What's the one big takeaway you want our listeners to walk away with?

Craig: Okay. I think it's a great question. It really pushes us to go beyond just the technical stuff and think about the impact of all of this on how we create and share knowledge as a whole.

Aimee: You know what? You're right. It's like we've been talking about AI as if it's this separate thing, this tool we need to learn to use.

Craig: It's true. We've been focusing a lot on the practical side of optimizing our content for AI. But you've hit on something really important here. It's not just about adapting to a new tool. It's about understanding that AI is becoming a fundamental part of how we create and understand knowledge itself.

Aimee: So it's not just about AIVO-ing, all our blog posts and podcasts. It's something bigger…

Craig: Much bigger. Think about it. For so long we've thought of knowledge as something that humans create and share. But now we have these AI systems that aren't just taking in that knowledge. They're actually processing it, making connections, and even generating their own new insights.

Aimee: Whoa. So are you saying that AI is becoming our partner in creating knowledge?

Craig: I think so.

Aimee: Yeah.

Craig: That leads to all sorts of interesting questions. Like what happens when AI starts developing its own unique perspectives and ideas? How do we even assess if something AI creates is valid? Can we even call it knowledge at that point?

Aimee: That's crazy. It's like we're on the cusp of this whole new era of knowledge creation where the line between human and artificial intelligence is getting blurry.

Craig: Exactly. And I think this is going to force us to really rethink what it means to know something.

Aimee: It makes you wonder what this means for education research, all those fields that are based on creating and sharing knowledge.

Craig: It really does imagine AI tutors that can personalize learning for each student, or AI research assistants that can help scientists analyze tons of data and find patterns we wouldn't see otherwise.

Aimee: I don't know. It's kind of exciting and kind of scary at the same time. Are we all going to be out of a job?

Craig: I don't think so. I see it more as an opportunity. AI can do a lot of the hard work for us, like analyzing data, finding trends, but it's still up to us humans to figure out what it all means to apply critical thinking and make decisions.

Aimee: So it's not humans versus AI, it's more like humans and AI working together.

Craig: Exactly. It's about using the best of both to build a world that's smarter and more connected.

Aimee: I love that idea. So as we wrap up our deep dive into AIVO, what's the one key message you want our listeners to take away from all of this?

Craig: I would say don't be afraid of the possibilities. Be willing to experiment, to learn, and to adapt the future of content, even the future of knowledge itself is being shaped right now, and we can all be a part of it.

Aimee: That's a great message to end on. So to all our listeners out there, go out and create amazing content that's not just informative, but transformative too. The future is waiting to be written and with AI by our side, the possibilities are endless. Thanks for joining us.

Remember when SEO was the be-all and end-all of content strategy? Those days of obsessing over keyword density and backlinks feel almost quaint now. At Perigon, we're not just watching the shift from traditional SEO to AI Visibility Optimization (AIVO) – we're actively shaping it.

Why SEO Is Yesterday's News

Let's be real: traditional SEO was built for a world where search engines were the gatekeepers of information. But today? Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming the primary way people discover and consume content. The game isn't about ranking anymore – it's about being genuinely useful to AI systems that can understand, learn from, and recommend your content.

Enter AIVO: The Future of Content Optimization

At Perigon, we live and breathe AI optimization. Our own platform uses advanced machine learning that goes way beyond traditional search algorithms. We're not just following formulas – we're teaching AI to truly understand content at a deeper level. This firsthand experience has led us to develop the AIVO framework, which we use for our own content and share with our community.

The Perigon Approach to AIVO

Here's how we're doing things differently:

Multi-Modal Content Strategy

We don't just write blog posts. We create comprehensive content experiences that AI can learn from in multiple ways:

  • Written content with clear structure and explicit concept relationships

  • Podcasts that add context and natural language training data

  • Full transcripts that capture nuances

  • Critical thinking sections that demonstrate problem-solving

AI-first Structure

Our content is built for AI comprehension while remaining engaging for human readers. We focus on:

  • Clear hierarchies and logical flow

  • Explicit connections between concepts

  • Comprehensive context that helps AI understand the full picture

  • Natural language that trains AI models effectively

Why This Matters for Your Content

The shift to AI-first content isn't coming – it's here. At Perigon, our platform is already using advanced AI to process and understand content in ways that traditional search engines never could. We're seeing firsthand how content optimized for AI comprehension performs better across all channels.

What Makes Perigon Different

While others are still catching up to the concept of AIVO, we're already putting it into practice. Our platform uses a proprietary mix of advanced AI and machine learning to understand content the way AI does. We're not just preaching AIVO – we're building the technology that makes it work.

Ready to Embrace the Future?

The transition from SEO to AIVO represents more than just a new optimization strategy – it's a fundamental shift in how we create and share information. At Perigon, we're proud to be at the forefront of this revolution, both in how we create our own content and in the technology we're building.

Want to see AIVO in action? Check out our platform and see how we're using AI to transform content discovery and understanding. The future of content isn't about gaming algorithms – it's about creating genuine value that both AI and humans can appreciate.


Ready to move beyond traditional SEO? Explore how Perigon is leading the AIVO revolution and help shape the future of content optimization.