Getting Started with Perigon API

The Perigon Team

Aug 14, 2024

Intro to Perigon

Perigon specializes in analyzing, distilling, and connecting vast amounts of dynamic information and breaking news, which we call "contextual intelligence". Our technology is designed to enhance both consumer and business applications by providing high-fidelity, structured data that is globally covered and refined by AI, making it suitable for a variety of users, including startups, major corporations, researchers, and government entities. Take a look at the About page to learn more about the company.

Perigon analyzes and distils more than 1,000,000+ articles per day from more than 145,000 different sources.

Account Setup

We recently made our new user onboarding process public for everyone, so now, you can easily create an account and receive free API Requests to try out Perigon API. To get started, create a new user account and confirm your email address (an email with a confirmation link will be sent to your email inbox after account creation). You can now login using your account credentials.

As part of the Perigon trial, you will receive 15 days of free trial and a limit of 150 API requests.

Access your API Key

An API key is required for authenticating with the Perigon API and getting responses from the different available endpoints! Once you're logged into your account, you can view and copy your API key from your account dashboard.

Please note, that your email needs to be verified before your API key will work.

Perigon API

The Perigon API serves as the portal through which you can easily access global data via simple API requests.

API Authentication

Perigon supports three types of authentication, to access the API, you need to make sure to provide the API key with each HTTP request. Here are the different types that you can use to authenticate:

  1. As the ?apiKey=<API_KEY> query string parameter within the URL.

  2. As the Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY> header.

  3. As the x-api-key: <API_KEY> header.

Make sure to replace <API_KEY> with your API key which you can copy and paste from your dashboard.

Here is an example of how to put the API Key on the URL:"Rivian R2"&apiKey=<API_KEY>

You can check out the Authentication Docs Page to learn more.

API Endpoints

Perigon has 6 public endpoints, that allow you to access the world's data through contextual Intelligence with AI.

The base URL for all endpoints is:

  1. Articles - /v1/people/all This endpoint offers features for searching and filtering through all news articles accessible via the API. The outcome comprises a collection of individual articles that meet your specified criteria.

  2. Stories - /v1/stories/all The /stories endpoint filters related articles for top or trending stories by topics, categories, countries, and locations, with pagination and sorting. Results feature story details, metrics on articles, and updated statistics.

  3. People - /v1/people/all Get more info on individuals in Perigon's database, sourced from Wikidata. Our database has 650,000+ people worldwide, refreshed often. It includes a wikidataId for further lookup on Wikidata's site.

  4. Sources - /v1/sources The Perigon Sources API offers an endpoint for searching and fetching extra details about the 130,000+ media sources supported by our APIs. More sources are being added frequently.

  5. Journalists - /v1/journalists Perigon Journalist API provides endpoints for accessing extra journalist details, like their title, Twitter handle, bio, and location. Lookup journalists using their ID or broader search attributes. Our database has over 230,000 journalists worldwide, refreshed regularly.

  6. Companies - /v1/companies/all Search for additional details on companies in Perigon's entity database, referenced in article responses. Our database holds over 80,000 public and private companies worldwide, refreshed often, and sourced from public records and Wikidata.

You can check the full list of the endpoints with an API playground to test it on right on your browser on the API Reference page.

Postman API Playground

We created a Postman collection with all the public endpoints that are available to use from Perigon, this will help you see all the available endpoints in action with examples and documentation of every available parameter for each of the endpoints.

Once you click on the "Run In Postman" button, it will ask you to fork the Perigon collection to start making API calls. If the above button doesn't work for you, you can access the Postman collection through this link. Please make sure to sign in using your Postman account to be able to view and make API calls in the Perigon Public workspace.

Working with the API

Perigon's sophisticated API empowers developers to construct excellent applications with ease, as it provides JSON-encoded data in the response for efficient management and processing of comprehensive news updates using advanced contextual intelligence. Let's learn how you can make your first API request and the different parts of it.

Making your first API call

When you can query the world's data from an API, there are a lot of ideas you can explore and get help with. Since Electric Vehicles are a trend this year, especially with the new Rivian EVs releases and hype, let's make an API call to get the recent stories about "electric vehicles"."electric vehicles"&expandArticles=true&apiKey=<YOUR_API_KEY>

We are using the stories endpoint to get the recent timeline of stories about "electric vehicles", which we put as the query parameter, and set expandArticles=true to preview the first 5 articles from the stories cluster. Make sure to pass in your API key either as a apiKey query parameter or using the other supported Authentication methods.

Here's a sample of the response JSON, the response is truncated, showing only one preview article instead of 5 (for the sake of making this more readable).

The response has many crucial fields and each one helps you explore more details about the stories, for instance, the name field is for the main theme of the story, the summary field is for getting a quick AI generated summary about the current story and it's articles, selectedArticles array is the preview list of the 5 first articles for the current story.

  "status": 200,
  "numResults": 4607,
  "results": [
      "createdAt": "2024-03-26T10:56:57.318197+00:00",
      "updatedAt": "2024-03-26T16:52:54.419274+00:00",
      "initializedAt": "2024-03-26T16:48:58.098581+00:00",
      "id": "7421411190754f14a71190be0934a852",
      "name": "Toyota to Manufacture Electric Hilux in Thailand by 2025",
      "summary": "Toyota Motor Corp plans to commence mass production of an electric Hilux pickup truck by the end of 2025, spearheading a growing momentum toward electric vehicle adoption in Thailand. The plans follow Isuzu Motors' recent declaration to manufacture its battery-powered D-MAX pickup in Thailand by 2025, signifying a push by Japanese automakers to assert leadership amidst the rise of electric vehicles in the region.",
      "summaryReferences": [],
      "keyPoints": [],
      "selectedArticles": [
          "url": "",
          "authorsByline": "Reuters",
          "articleId": "314d78491fff4a6ab91b7d6c608473f8",
          "clusterId": "7421411190754f14a71190be0934a852",
          "source": {
            "domain": "",
            "location": null
          "imageUrl": "",
          "country": "us",
          "language": "en",
          "pubDate": "2024-03-26T10:49:14+00:00",
          "addDate": "2024-03-26T11:10:49.731303+00:00",
          "refreshDate": "2024-03-26T11:10:49.731306+00:00",
          "score": 1.0,
          "title": "Toyota plans to mass produce battery Hilux pickup truck by 2025",
          "description": "Japan's Toyota plans to mass produce a battery electric Hilux pickup truck by the end of 2024, the president of its Thailand unit, Noriaki Yamashita, told reporters on the sidelines of the Bangkok International Motor Show. In Thailand, Toyota expects to sell 250,000 vehicles this year, he said. He did not say where the Hilux truck would be made.",
          "content": "BANGKOK (Reuters) - Japan's Toyota plans to mass produce a battery electric Hilux pickup truck by the end of 2024, the president of its Thailand unit, Noriaki Yamashita, told reporters on the sidelines of the Bangkok International Motor Show.\n\nIn Thailand, Toyota expects to sell 250,000 vehicles this year, he said. He did not say where the Hilux truck would be made.",
          "medium": "Article",
          "links": [],
          "labels": [],
          "matchedAuthors": [],
          "claim": "",
          "verdict": "",
          "keywords": [
              "name": "battery Hilux pickup truck",
              "weight": 0.1613403
              "name": "Noriaki Yamashita",
              "weight": 0.12375605
              "name": "the Bangkok International Motor Show",
              "weight": 0.11771043
              "name": "a battery electric Hilux pickup truck",
              "weight": 0.10707974
              "name": "Hilux",
              "weight": 0.10379325
              "name": "Thailand",
              "weight": 0.102032855
              "name": "reporters",
              "weight": 0.098259225
              "name": "the Hilux truck",
              "weight": 0.08051304
              "name": "Toyota",
              "weight": 0.07688871
              "name": "its Thailand unit",
              "weight": 0.0690571
          "topics": [],
          "categories": [
              "name": "Auto"
          "entities": [
              "data": "Toyota",
              "type": "ORG",
              "mentions": 3
              "data": "Reuters",
              "type": "ORG",
              "mentions": 1
              "data": "Hilux",
              "type": "PRODUCT",
              "mentions": 3
              "data": "BANGKOK",
              "type": "GPE",
              "mentions": 1
              "data": "Japan",
              "type": "GPE",
              "mentions": 1
              "data": "Thailand",
              "type": "GPE",
              "mentions": 2
              "data": "Noriaki Yamashita",
              "type": "PERSON",
              "mentions": 1
              "data": "the Bangkok International Motor Show",
              "type": "EVENT",
              "mentions": 1
          "companies": [
              "id": "1a841c614e014e3da7fcba199f1e28a0",
              "name": "Toyota UK",
              "domains": [""],
              "symbols": []
          "sentiment": {
            "positive": 0.5155631,
            "negative": 0.044742495,
            "neutral": 0.4396944
          "summary": "Toyota plans to mass produce a battery electric Hilux pickup truck by 2025, according to the president of its Thailand unit, Noriaki Yamashita. This announcement comes as Toyota plans to sell 250,000 vehicles in Thailand this year alone, with the target of 250,500 in total. Yamashiti did not specify where the Hilux truck would be made.",
          "translation": "",
          "translatedTitle": "",
          "translatedDescription": "",
          "translatedSummary": "",
          "locations": [
              "country": "th",
              "state": "10"
          "reprint": true,
          "reprintGroupId": "f99d8d8666b64218b7577869fd0c593c",
          "places": [],
          "people": []
      "sentiment": {
        "positive": 0.5555712,
        "negative": 0.055060733,
        "neutral": 0.38936806
      "uniqueCount": 5,
      "reprintCount": 14,
      "totalCount": 19,
      "countries": [
          "name": "us",
          "count": 10
          "name": "sg",
          "count": 2
          "name": "gb",
          "count": 2
          "name": "in",
          "count": 1
          "name": "th",
          "count": 1
          "name": "ca",
          "count": 2
      "topCountries": ["us"],
      "topics": [
          "name": "Markets",
          "count": 2
      "topTopics": [
          "name": "Markets"
      "categories": [
          "name": "Auto",
          "count": 19
          "name": "Business",
          "count": 4
          "name": "Finance",
          "count": 2
      "topCategories": [
          "name": "Auto"
      "people": [],
      "topPeople": [],
      "companies": [
          "id": "1a841c614e014e3da7fcba199f1e28a0",
          "name": "Toyota UK",
          "domains": [""],
          "symbols": [],
          "count": 19
          "id": "4abf84190e76494d89fc757f69f0f022",
          "name": "Isuzu Truck South Africa",
          "domains": [""],
          "symbols": [],
          "count": 1
          "id": "b5f3525b8af942f395b25af76d242b2e",
          "name": "BYD Company Limited",
          "domains": [""],
          "symbols": ["1211.HK", "002594.SZ", "BY6.F", "BYDDF", "BYDDY"],
          "count": 2
          "id": "ea3755a3201c4fc99889242e26c2117e",
          "name": "Toyota Motor Corporation",
          "domains": [""],
          "symbols": ["7203.T", "TYT.L", "TM"],
          "count": 2
      "topCompanies": [
          "id": "1a841c614e014e3da7fcba199f1e28a0",
          "name": "Toyota UK",
          "domains": [""],
          "symbols": []
      "locations": [
          "state": "10",
          "count": 7
          "state": "NCO",
          "count": 6
          "state": "20",
          "city": "Pattaya City",
          "count": 1
      "topLocations": [
          "state": "10"
          "state": "NCO"

Example App built with Perigon API

To showcase how you can utilize the Perigon API to build real-world web apps, we have created a sample React app to render the most recent stories about Electric Vehicles (EVs) around the glob. The app is hosted on codesandbox to make it easier for anyone to play around with the Demo without the need to run the code locally.

To view the demo app, you need to enter your Pergion API key in the <YOUR_API_KEY> input.

Application structure & how it works:

  1. As soon as you enter your Perigon API key into the input, an API request will be made with your API key to fetch recent stories querying about "Electric Vehicles".

  2. All stories will be displayed as a grid layout.

  3. If you click on a story card, it will take you to the story timeline page where the 5 recent articles (story.selectedArticles array) for the selected story will be previewed on a timeline sorted by recent article publication date (article.pubDate).

  4. Each article card on the timeline shows relevant information about the article. Article title, description, article country, author and related companies. All of this data was returned by the Perigon API for each of the selected articles.

  5. If you click on the Article card, you will be redirected to the article web page for reference.


In summary, Perigon offers advanced contextual intelligence by analyzing over 1,000,000 daily articles from diverse sources worldwide. With an intuitive user onboarding process, users can access the Perigon API for a 15-day trial period, enabling exploration of its capabilities. The API provides easy access to global data through various endpoints, including articles, stories, people, sources, journalists, and companies. A sample React app demonstrates the practical use of the API by showcasing recent stories on Electric Vehicles. Perigon's technology facilitates informed decision-making and innovation across industries.